Saturday, May 24, 2008

"I can ride your mom with no handlebars"

hahaha, probably the funnest thing I heard yesterday.

So, no, this isn't a "right now" picture of me, but whatever. The webcam is frozen and isn't completely opened, but wont completely close now. [LAME!] and I really don't want to reboot the compy. Not yet, anyway. I'll have to recap since it's been a while from my last post.

- The beach was great! We ended up going to
Long Lake and cooking some veggie hotdogs :)

- My cousins came over that weekend. Sierra's birthday was the upcoming Monday, so we all went to Silverdale to eat at Olive Garden and shop around at the mall. On the way back home we stopped by the Port Orchard waterfront/marina and took some pictures. It was perfect out :)

-Tusday night (maybe?) Forrest came over and... well, I have reason to celebrate. ;) It took me all of the next day to fully realize it, but I have reason. (that's when my into blog picture took place)

-Thursday I had an interview at Desert Sun tanning salon in
PO. I really hope I get the job. I mean, not only do I hate Buckle the more I think about it, but Jesus Christ, have you seen the gas prices lately? $4+ / gallon. That's ridiculous! I think I may start biking around. I want to cute cruiser bicycle though... with a basket. :)

-Yesterday Forrest and I went to the Folklife festival. It was fun :) I love Folklife! We ate Kenyan food (I had some delicious vegetable curry), walked around to see some tent shops, listened to some music, watched belly dancers (& I'm now adding that to this year's possible Halloween costume), and then I just had to have a caramel apple with m&ms. I couldn't finish it or anything, but ohhhh man was it worth the slightly sick feeling and tummy ache afterwards! I would totally eat that again. In fact... I kind of feel like making some of that today/tonight. My apples would be cut though. I tell ya, it's a bitch to bite into a sticky apple covered in hard candies. Again, I didn't take that many pictures (like 2? one of the needle, one of the fountain. Both of which I already have somewhere on my compy. None of Forrest and I, again. damnit veronica! Stop being lame!) Still a very good time though. That boy is far too nice to me. I absolutely love it :)

-Today looks fucking AMAZING out and I've decided to not go out at all. Why am I so backwards like that? I just feel like taking it easy today, since we didn't get home until about midnight last night. I did get to photoshopping the pictures from the waterfront (with my cousins) a little, and I want to work on my room a bit. I need to (FINALLY) put up my art on the walls, things on my bulletin board, & hang up my clothes. I should paint a bit, too. I could get a lot of work done with this long weekend.

1 comment:

kimberlie.a said...

just wanted to inforn you that your sister looks SUPER EMO in that group picture.